Monday, July 23, 2012

July 17th: Well... We Didn't Get Arrested!!

Even though we had talked all along about taking a wine tour in Tuscany, it never really occurred to us to book one ahead of time. Luckily, we woke up this morning and went to a tour booking agency and they were able to get us in with a tour this afternoon. By the time we had that all set, we had just enough time to get to the creperia for some breakfast :). 

With the tour starting in Florence, it was nice that the train ride was included, so that Nick didn’t have to drive. Our tour started with a trip to the Sant’ Appiano Winery. 

 From there we went to Monteriggioni....... :)
Monteriggioni is an ancient city (fortress/castle) in Sienna that sits on top of a hill. Definitely one of the scenic highlights of the trip so far. So, while we were in this walled city, we paid 2 euros to take the stairs up to the top of the wall so that we could see the view that overlooked the hills. While we were looking over the edge of said wall, we noticed that everyone was standing and sitting ON the wall taking pictures.... and so we did the same. While we were doing this, we happened to notice a few people that were halfway around the castle, walking along the top of the wall, so obviously we wanted to do that too!! So maaaaybe we knew that we weren’t supposed to be up on the wall... and maaaaybe there was a barrier that prevented people from walking any farther along the wall.... but the barrier was conveniently broken in one spot... and everyone else was doing it! (yes, that really was my reasoning :(... and by everyone... I mean 5 people). (I’m sorry Heidi... I think I was the bad influence on this one)

By the time we were 3/4 of the way around..... we heard a car honk from below..... It was a cop waving us to get down. We may or may not have gotten talked to and had our info written down by the polizia! (and by we, I mean Nick... because apparently the cop didn’t need my ID too?... see, the mistake was not doing what we did... it was forgetting that Nick has the unlucky tendency to get caught doing anything wrong) Of course we get in trouble for doing it. Nobody else got caught! The lady that worked there did not seem very amused, nor did she seem to understand when we told her that we weren’t the only ones that did it. The language barrier made it a bit more complicated to communicate what happened. The cop seemed somewhat unsure of what to do (or maybe it just seemed that way because he spoke zero English), we asked if there was a fine, and he said no because there was no set penalty for doing that because it doesn’t happen. Soooo we just left. Who knows what becomes of that... the pictures we took up there, may end up being worth more than the 2 euros we paid. But it’s ok! It was totally worth it! We walked on a castle!
After that small adventure, we headed off to another winery in Sienna!!

Nick was proud of himself. We caught each other sleeping throughout the day and kept taking pictures. (this might have been the winner... although, I have a video of Nick ;)

Recap of the day: Drank wine, got in trouble with the polizia for walking along the castle walls, drank more wine.... and ate really good cheese :)
fun fact: lyrics to the song that was playing at the restaurant where we ate dinner. Think anime/barbie voice... “S.T.A.R., that is what you are, cuz you’re famous in japan, famous in japan.”.... good grief. I love you America. 

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