Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 10th: Off to ITALY!

Today was our first driving day! I suppose the fact that we didn’t notice that we had no idea where we were going until we hopped in the car, should have been our hint at how the drive would go. To say the least, we made some wrong turns :) and backtracked a few times. But through the attack of the flies, the crazy weather changes, highway tolls and complete map confusion, we somehow managed to find our way. We did happen to make one FABULOUS decision to take Sustenpass through the Alps. Words literally cannot describe how beautiful this drive was!... But here are some of the words I recall us saying... “unworldly” “Lord of the Rings” “the coolest thing I have ever seen... ever” “Yup. Frodo should be right over there!”

At one point, we were literally stopping every minute, the scenery just kept getting better.

Yoshi needed a photoshoot too! :)

And then 2 minutes later we were touching snow! or more like ice.

Unfortunately the rest of our drive was not as peaceful as the beginning of the day. 

We got completely lost in Lugano, trying to find our way onto SS340... which we never found. So we finally continued South to the city of Como and backtracked up the lake.  Driving along the edge of the lake, we encountered some of the smallest streets yet! Props to Nick and to Yoshi for not hitting any walls, pedestrians, or the crazy fast drivers coming the other way! OR the ridiculous motorcyclists who do WHATEVER the heck they please (including not driving on the road, or in any designated lane).
The towns we drove through up the West side of the lake were gorgeous! But considering this was about 8 hours since we had started our trip, we were not exactly ready to fully appreciate it’s beauty. 
So now I’m really excited to tell you what happened next, probably because I am writing about this days later, and I’ve had time to recover from the trauma and can now just laugh (really hard) at this....
Know this: We had been in the car for hours. We had been lost too many times already. It was already past check-in time for our hotel. The phones were almost completely dead (but it didn’t matter anyways because we couldn’t get through to the hotel). We were starving! and probably a liiitttttle cranky....(Nick ;)
Knowing that setup. Here we were, driving along this beautiful lake, through picturesque  Lake Como, Italy (the Westside)... We get to the top of the lake and cross over to the Eastside, and it is straight GHETTO!... There was no hope at that point. We knew it was going to be bad. We got lost one more time... (but really we didn’t, because we actually drove past our hotel multiple times.... in complete denial that it was actually ours.)
Complete denial. 
We joked every time we drove by it, and even said a few times that we should go in and ask. But we didn’t, because there was NO way it was ours.
But of course it was ours :)
We laughed (or at least tried) knowing that it was going to be funny when we weren’t so tired and hungry. Not much was said about it at the time, because it was too soon to joke about. But one thing was definitely said, “So, we had a change of plans, and we are actually meeting up with some friends, so we are going to have to cancel our second night...”
It did not matter what we were going to do the next day... we were NOT going to stay there... the phrase “MAD money” was used ALOT that night ;).
We managed to make it out to dinner and finish just as the rain storm was starting up again!

Easily the most dramatic, movie-like thunder storm I have ever seen!

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