Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 14th: Laundry Day!

Waking up to quite stormy looking weather, and not quite sure what our plan was for the day, we decided that it needed to be a laundry day (because we both needed it). But first! We needed breakfast. We wandered into the town of Deiva Marina (where we were staying) in search of something to eat (we’re still not sure that Italians eat breakfast). We did find a little pastry/pizzeria shop that looked popular, and decided to try that! We both got a pizza (which was terrible), but luckily I unknowingly bought an apple strudel type thing too, which has been my favorite pastry yet! We went to get drinks at the gelateria we went to last night, and sat and ate there. From there, we headed back to the campsite to do laundry. And it’s a good thing we did, because it was an all day process. 
Disgusted at how much it cost to do laundry (I was disgusted anyways... they make you pay for the detergent and stuff too! even tho we already had some), we decided to wash one load, and hand wash what was left over. Nick and I make a good laundry team!
Proud of ourselves after that, we were convinced that we didn’t need to pay for the dryer. Nobody dries clothes here! You just hang them up! So we hauled our bags of wet clothes all the way back up the hill to our tent.... where we then realized that hanging our clothes to dry requires a line to hang them on...
So we improvised :)

We spent some time just hanging out, had a drink and blogged (yes, we were still blogging even though we couldn't post it). When we checked on our laundry again, it was still soaking wet!! So we gave in and put them in the dryer, while we went back into town to get dinner. We are starting to figure out that finding a place to eat is kind of stressful. It's hard to find a menu to be excited about because a lot of the food is the same. We finally wandered into a fancy looking restaurant (which was really awkward because it felt like we had to whisper). This was where we confirmed that Italian meat is WEIRD. I ordered meat ravioli... but the meat was salty? I tried to pretend that I liked it... (yes Nick... I lied. I'm sorry... haha)

But at least we got gelato! :)

I know. It's kind of a blah day. But it was productive.

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