Monday, July 23, 2012

July 15th: She Only Want Me For My PEACH Juice!

We got up. We stretched. We yawned. We checked out and headed into Deiva Marina for breakfast. We found a little place that sold panini's for breakfast and were fairly pleased to know that sometimes Italians have and sell "breakfast" food.  (Not to diss on the Italian cuisine or culture, but at this point in the trip we would have killed for some pancakes.)  Maybe some eggs and bacon? Bagel and cream cheese? CEREAL?... At least we knew we could always count on peach juice, our happy discovery/slight obsession.

But that's neither here nor there. We then hit the local market and I picked up three pairs of socks for 5 euro. I may or may not have brought enough socks for a month long trip. :/ 
After a short shopping trip we hit the road. We had our route picked out. We knew road and street names. It was a fairly flawless ride until we got to town. We discovered that the directions we got from mapquest sent us through a forbidden area. But that was a good thing because from that misdirection we learned a crucial new strategy. We found that if we had time it was helpful to park the car and look around on foot to try and get an idea of where everything was. Very helpful. We walked around and found our hotel-which we loved. Success!!

Later we grabbed a snack at a nearby cafe that soon became "our" cafe. We went there for everything! The owner was really nice and helpful. The rest of the night was spent wandering around an amazing small town, filled with smiling happy people. We shopped at the outdoor markets and ate gelato. The temperature at night was perfect for outdoor music (I think we ran into a concert every single night we stayed there.) and I LOVED that. Montecatini was a great choice to stay outside of Florence. We ended the first night there with a glass of italian desert wine. Done and done.


Our street!

I tried to get Jen to buy this hat. No dice.

 Spumante dulce.


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