Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 9th: What to do today?

Fully intending to wake up, pack, and be on our way to who knows where, we ran into one of the canyoning guides who mistakingly thought we had signed up for the excursion that morning. When Nick jokingly replied “no, but we’ll go!” the guy told us we could if we wanted to go in 5 minutes. So of course we said yes! We changed, booked our tent for another night, and off we went!! What is canyoning?? We didn’t really know, but we soon found out! :)

Hiking through the river, rappelling, swinging, jumping off rocks, and sliding down rock slides. Canyoning was SO much fun! I think the only downside was when we found out right after that there was a more extreme version with higher jumps and longer slides! But we loved our trip nonetheless!

We spent some time just hanging out at the campsite eating and getting some sun! (Nick swears he doesn't need sunscreen... ;)

Look! We found cup of noodles!!

slack-lining was popular for awhile (Nick was determined to master this before we left). It was a good thing he finally made it all the way across :)

From there we headed back into town to one of the other hostels (our canyoning guide told us that there was a waterslide there and that it was a fun spot to just hangout)..... I’m pretty sure this waterslide wouldn’t be legal in the US.... but it was AWESOME!

(I have video of it, but for whatever reason, uploading videos is not working today so I'll try and do it later :)

From there we went to go explore Grindelwald a bit, until we both started to get really hungry, so we headed back to winderswil to eat! 

This is Nick :)
He doesn’t want to admit he needs sunscreen.... but even he called himself a lobster :)

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