Thursday, July 5, 2012

We Made It!!!!

This is us... SOOOOO excited to start our trip!!! (even at 3:30am :)

This is us about 6 hours later.

You don't even want to know what we looked like past 10 hours. Nick was so tired, he watched a whole movie without ever bothering to plug in the headphones. We were both so antsy by the end that we might as well have been hanging upside down from our seats... which we came very close to doing. At one point the flight attendant came by with drinks, and was laughing watching Nick try to get up from the position he was laying in, "you look like a mole popping up from the ground" :) haha

When we got to Zurich, our adventure was trying to find our couchsurfing host, Florian. Between Nick talking to people (determined to learn German in a week ;) and my awesome navigating skills, we found him no problem! Hauling our stuff (and by our stuff, I mean, my bag ;) around Zurich was an adventure in itself! But for those of you who were slightly concerned about this part of our trip, don't be! Florian is AWESOME! and a great host! He took us to lunch at the university when we got there (because the $13 student food is wayyyyy cheaper than anything else we can get). He showed us around the campus, and told us some cool things, like the fact that you can drink out of the fountains here! Any fountain! (So of course Nick makes the point of drinking out of every one we walk by). 

The view from one of the buildings at the University.

Florian had to get back to work, so he gave us a map and told us some places we should check out and left us to go explore on our own. First stop we made? The bathroom. For those of you that don't know, "damen" means girls, "herren" means boys.... I mean, we knew that, but I just wanted to share ;). 

Nick drinking out of a fountain :)

Florian had told us that there was an art museum that was free on Wednesday's, so when we came across the Kunsthaus, we figured suuuuuuure, why not?!...

Two words. SUPER CREEPY.

Words can literally not describe how freaking weird (creepy weird) this stuff was. We went downstairs to put our stuff in a locker, and there was a dark room playing a video, so we peeked in to see what it was (mind that there was nobody in this room) this video basically showed two people in super creepy masks, hitting a dummy, for minutes on end, and super eerie music, oh and a random stuffed goat?... We thought it was just that video, and that we didn't understand the "artsy-ness" of it.... but no. In another room, two tv's, one showing a creepy little kid staring at you, singing a creepy song (think horror film) and the other tv showed a bunch of people just staring and listening.... For those of you that have ever seen the movie The Ring, remember when they show you the actual video at the end? and it's just a bunch of random, creepy scenes put together? That is how I would describe every video playing in this museum. To top it off, one of the rooms (a very large white room) had a dead, leg-less horse with it's eyes sewn shut, and a huge portrait of a woman that could be hanging in a haunted mansion. I wanted Nick to take a picture of that room, but the lady that worked there kept following us around and staring at us. Luckily, as we made our way up a few floors, it got a little less disturbing. Saw some Picasso stuff and managed to laugh at the creepiness of the whole thing a bit more.

Just fully admiring the upside-down picture of people eating people :)

Once we left the museum, jet lag kicked in hard! We managed to make our way down to the lake, where Nick fell asleep on me on a bench. When I started to fall asleep too and people started staring, I declared that it was time to move and that we needed to find a park and some grass so we could just sleep. The new mission was "grass". Nick was in complete zombie-mode at this point, and the answer to any question was "grass"... "I just want grass".... I promised him that there was a park nearby. You can only imagine the disappointment when we finally got there to see a gravel/dirt park.... So disappointed, we both curled up on a bench like homeless people and tried to sleep. That was until I got the bright idea to look over the edge of the wall and see a whole grass area below. We have never been so happy to see grass..... ever. 

I think we slept for 3 hours...

Good morning Nick :)

Feeling ALOT better, we went back to Florian's office to pick up our stuff and go see his apartment. We went straight back out again with his co-worker Hiro (who looks EXACTLY like the asian guy from Heroes). We went to an Irish Pub to a couchsurfer meeting, where Florian bought us Swiss beer and we chatted with some really cool people we met.

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