Sunday, August 5, 2012

July 24th: New Strategy. Point to Something on the Menu, and Order it

This morning our free breakfast spot down the road was closed for the day, so our bed and breakfast delivered our coffee, juice and pastries to our door. It was so cute!! One more morning getting to eat breakfast outside on our little deck!

Today was the longest drive we have done yet! Just over 6hrs from Sorrento, Northeast to Cesenatico (by San Marino). 

A small look into what "mangiareeeee" was all about ;)

To break up the drive, we decided to stop for a late lunch... and we conveniently decided to do that during the 2hour period that the restaurants were all closed. We wandered into a mall food court (maybe there would be teriyaki!!!!.... but no...). Saddened by our same restricted choices, we found ourselves trying to buy food at the grocery store again. Nick had decided somewhere in that time period that he really wanted Mexican food, and was not satisfied with anything less. Neither of us were. We bought snack foods to hold us off until dinner. 

Although it didn’t look like it initially, our hotel was only one street away from being a beach front hotel. We checked in and were off on a mission to find food. We stopped at one of the first restaurants we saw. Happy that the menu had a bit more variety and CREPES, we ordered a salad, a main course and dessert crepes. We were so sad when they told us they were out of bananas (we really wanted banana and nutella crepes) but our alternates were just as delicious. Our dinner was really good, which was good considering our long day. 

Nick got suckered into buying roses... But it was adorable nonetheless :)
We wandered up and down the streets a little bit (mostly so I could show off my roses... and we could smile at all the people that looked at us and thought we were cute :)

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