Monday, August 6, 2012

July 27th: All Hail AUSTRIA!!

Oh how happy we were this morning to have made it in time for breakfast. If only you could have seen our faces when we lifted the lid off of the containers and saw EGGS! and BACON!.... unfortunately that was about as exciting as it got. Nick’s expression said it all when he tried the eggs. I didn’t bother trying the limp bacon. It was croissants and toast for breakfast one last time!! :)
Not wanting to bother with the clothes drying extravaganza from last time, we went straight to the laundermat down the street to dry our clothes. From there we got on the road to head to AUSTRIA!... and after our 20min detour because we missed the on ramp to the highway, we passed by our hotel again... and we got on the road to head to AUSTRIA! :)
One word. Ants.
Yoshi’s collection of friends has gotten a little too big and we may need to take action.
It was pretty obvious when we crossed over into Austria. The scenery is BEAUTIFUL! It’s a lot like Switzerland, but even more green! Austria is just as awful as Italy at labeling streets, and mapquest is even more useless here. But again, somehow we managed to find our way! By the time we were off the main road, the tiny, winding roads really only let you go one direction. 

We are now at Gasthof St. Peter. ADORABLE is how I would describe it. It’s super cute and homey!

 The view from our room.

  My guess would be that the population of St. Peter is about 40. We walked outside to explore, and realized that when we got to the end of the driveway and saw that the only thing on the road was a bank, there really was nothing to go see. Nor was there any stress to pick a place to eat, because there were no other options. It seemed as though everyone came to our hotel for dinner (I truly think it may be the only restaurant in town). Nobody here speaks a word of English, but we like it that way. It definitely makes it fun! Especially when we sat down to eat and literally didn’t know a single word on the menu (and nobody could translate or explain to us what any of it was).

Ordering our food, we really didn’t know what to expect..... and that’s what made this the greatest food experience yet! Nick LOVED his beer, which was a great start. but then the food came....

 and meats!! and vegetables!! and!!!!!!.... CONDIMENTS! Woooo!!
Everything was so delicious!! We were in heaven! So obviously we had to order dessert too!

We got really good at pointing and hand gesturing to communicate what we wanted.... and when I saw the dessert that the couple at the table next to us ordered, we pointed to it and made it very clear that we wanted that too!

Nick caught my reaction when he asked me how excited I was for dessert.

 There was good reason to be excited, it was amazing!

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